Friday 9 July 2010

Images of Madonna DVD cover

This is the front cover of the DVD, it shows a big picture Madonna who is positioned in the centre of the DVD cover. Her appearance resembles a different culture through her hand gestures and costume. This is showing the everchanging appearance of Madonna, and this look is a way of gaining a different target audience. The title is placed at the top, and the font style is basic and modern.
This is the back cover, it has another focal image of Madonna as the background with a list of the songs included. These fit the style of the front of the DVD cover and the layout is very basic, so it is easy for people to read. It includes three small images from the DVD on the right.

These are three freeze frame shots taken from the DVD footage shown on the back of the cover, they are all very different images, displaying her very different appearances in the different music videos, for example there is a gothic look. This gives the audience a brief insight into the footage of the DVD.

The two images above show the different company logos, the certificate rating, details about the record label, running time etc. which is what is expected to be on the DVD cover. The format is very basic yet professional, which makes it straightforward to read.

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