Monday, 12 July 2010

Designing a DVD cover for AC/DC

In todays lesson, our group used Photoshop to design the packaging for a DVD cover for AC/DC. This involved us considering what features you would expect to see on a DVD cover, such as a title, logo, certificate, holigram, freeze frame shots, ratings etc. We also tried to make sure the DVD looked appropriate for Rock genre, therefore we used dark colours, with appropriate font styles that worked well with the style we wanted to convey. Using images that we had taken during the filming process, we used these on the cover to match the footage we had. These images were of Lewis as he was the lead singer, therefore it means that we can sell the artist. We included a 4 star rating that was from Kerrang, we chose Kerrang magazine as their target audience would be similar to the target audience for AC/DC.

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